Wildlife Viewing in February 


 Phoenix and Central Arizona


Guided bird walks are one of the best ways to improve your skills, and they’re offered in many spots around the Phoenix area, from Hassayampa Preserve in the northwest to the Gilbert Riparian Preserve in the southeast valley, and Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park to the east.

Hassayampa Preserve

49614 U.S. Hwy 60 89, Wickenburg, AZ 85390



Gilbert Riparian Preserve

2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234



Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park

37615 E US Highway #60, Superior, AZ 85173


Ring-tailed cat

Ring-tailed cat

Trees are still bare, giving great views of the handsome spotted towhees which descend from the mountains to lower deserts during winter, along with American robin, western-scrub jay and even the occasional brown creeper. The Boyce Thompson Arboretum is famous for having a lone brown thrasher feeding in the myrtle thickets most winters; and this month also heralds the onset of migratory behavior, with the earliest summer birds just starting to arrive and claim breeding territories. Maricopa County has all four North American varieties of skunks (striped, spotted, hooded and hog-nosed); as well as javelina, raccoons and ringtails.


Tucson and Southern Arizona

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Ever seen a Coati?

Ducks and geese increase around ponds and lakes and early migrants begin to arrive. Raptors and sparrows are still abundant. Many desert residents begin nesting and passerines sing conspicuously. Vermilion flycatchers become more numerous and white-winged doves begin arriving in large numbers. The first tree swallows show up as they head north. Ever seen a coati? Arizona is one of only a few states where you can find these raccoon-like animals, and lower elevation foothills of the Chiricahua Mountains are a prime place to look. Check with owners of the bed-and-breakfasts in Portal, Patagonia and Ramsey Canyon. The Nature Conservancy’s Muleshoe Ranch is also a hotspot for “coati connoisseurs”.


Ramsey Canyon Inn B & B

For 30 years this nationally-acclaimed inn has been offering guest comfort & hospitality in a world-class setting. The Arizona Republic proclaimed Ramsey Canyon Inn to be one of the "Top 10 Bed & Breakfasts in Arizona​​