2019 Hall of Fame Banquet


The 2019 Hall of Fame banquet will be held on Saturday, August 10th. This year is going to be spectacular, you don’t want to miss out.

The Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation honors individuals, corporations, organizations and/or others who have made significant and lasting contributions to benefit Arizona’s wildlife and who work for the conservation of its natural resources by induction into the WFT Hall of Fame.


Nominations sought for Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame

The Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation is soliciting nominations for this year’s inductees into the Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame. The Outdoor Hall of Fame annually recognizes individuals and organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions toward Arizona’s wildlife, the welfare of its natural resources, and the state’s outdoor heritage.

Nominations will be accepted from March 1 through April 30, 2019. To submit a nomination, download a nomination form, complete the form, and either:

1. Email a scanned copy along with all supplemental materials to Rebecca Bouquot at wildlifefortomorrow@gmail.com


2. Return the completed form and materials via U.S. Mail to:

Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation
c/o Arizona Game and Fish Department
Attn: Rebecca Bouquot, Outdoor Hall of Fame Nominations
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086

This year’s inductees will be honored on August 10th at the annual Outdoor Hall of Fame Banquet.

2019 Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame Inductees:

Individual tickets are $70.  A table of ten (10) is $700.  A table of ten (10) with a full page advertising in the color Banquet brochure is $1,200.

To purchase tickets through the mail, download the Ticket form 2018

Download the Donation Letter if you would like to provide an item for the auction. 

For more information or tickets to the banquet, you may also call Rebecca Bouquot (Ticket Chairman) at 602-501-4788 or send her an email at rebeccabouquot@gmail.com

Wildlife for Tomorrow Award Sen.John McCain-son receivingon his behalf-X3 (1).jpg

Previous Hall of Fame Award Winners

This major award and induction event was developed in 1998 by the Wildlife For Tomorrow Foundation to honor those who have made significant contribution to the preservation of Arizona’s outdoor heritage. Selections for this award are made annually by the Board of Directors of Wildlife For Tomorrow Foundation.

Recognition is given annually to both individuals and organizations that have worked consistently over many years through political and individual leadership, volunteer service, the mass media, environmental restoration and educational activities on behalf of Arizona’s natural resources.

Previous Hall of Fame inductees include:

Catherine Cimellaro
Tracy Unmacht
Arizona Deer Association
Diablo Trust
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center

Steve Hirsch
Steve Clark
Warner Glenn
Larry Voyles
Jean Wilson

Richard Sprague
Jim Unmacht
Terry and Marge Abbott
Kevin and Patti O’Connell
Sempra Energy

Senator John McCain
John W. Harris
Jim O’Haco
Dan Priest
Audubon Arizona

Art Craker
Brian Pinney
Gary Swanson
The Saba Family
Arizona Deer Association – Buckskin Chapter

Sandra S. Froman
William D. “Don” Martin
Walter Shontz
Dale L. Slocum
Arizona Chapter of Safari Club International

John Toner
Dave La Morte
Ed Shannahan
Wendell Swank
National Wild Turkey Federation-AZ Chapter

Joe Melton
Antonio (Tony) Perri
Roger (Buck) Appleby
Arizona Antelope Foundation
Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Volunteers

William Cordasco
Michael M. Golightly
Liberty Wildlife
Babbitt Ranches
Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club

Bill Post
Dr. Robert Ohmart
Frances Werner
Mesa Hunter Education Team
Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club

Duane L. Shroufe
Gary Barcom
L. V. Yates
Chandler Rod and Gun Club

Paul Berquist
Representative Jerry Weiers
Arizona Elk Society
Tom Mackin
Beth Woodin

Bonnie Swarbrick
Bill Quimby
Richard Brown
Salt River Project
Phoenix Herpetological Society

Senator Robert Cannell
Pete Cowgill
Anita MacFarlane
Marvin Robbins
Mogollon Sporting Association

Dave Cohen
Ron and Sharon Eichelberger
Steve Bodinet
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Margaret Bohannan
Rep. Jim Carruthers
Richard Sloan
The Nature Conservancy In Arizona

David E. Brown
Tom Foust
Stan Jones
Anglers United

Walter Collins
Herbert Guenther
Sherrie Russell Meline
Arizona Ducks Unlimited

Tom Woods
Ted Blaylock
DeWayne Smith
Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society

Morris K. (Mo) Udall
Bob Hirsch
Pete Cimellaro
Arizona Heritage Alliance
Arizona Public Service Company

Ben Avery
Barry Goldwater
Arthur “Bill” Greene, Jr.
Eva Patten
Larry Toschik